The Echo Lake Universe is a dynamic world where humans coexist with supernatural beings, legends, gods, goddesses, angels, and myths. Our mission is to delve into the intricate relationships and epic stories that arise in this rich tapestry, set against the backdrop of diverse locations such as Echo Lake, Angel Bay, Huntington Heights, and Crimson Springs in Virginia, as well as far-reaching realms beyond. While humans fear only the malevolent creatures, they find allies among the benevolent ones. Central to our universe are the Supernatural Assassins—five noble families, including the Harkers and the Van Helsings, dedicated to safeguarding humanity from the most dangerous entities. Through our narratives, we aim to challenge perceptions, highlight the nuanced nature of good and evil, and celebrate the unity between the mundane and the extraordinary. The Echo Lake Universe invites audiences to explore a world where every shadow has a story, and every being, a purpose.